

Central Area Council 19 th January 2025


Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 21st February 2025. Promoter Jamie Conlan.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Josh Cook. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Stephen Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Harry Matthews. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Pollard. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nabil Ahmed. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Sean Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Dale Arrowsmith. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Dan Booth. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kira Carter. The Council decided that she was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kerry Orton. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Steven Maguire appeared before the Council represented by Manager/Trainer Joe Pennington. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

b. Monitored on a fight by fight basis.

REGULATION 5.15 & 25

Robbie Davies Jnr. Did not appear. Matter proven - Reprimanded and given words of advice. The Council further directed that he should pay costs.

REGULATION 5.13 & 25

Boxer Adam Rasool and Manager/Trainer Pat Barrett appeared before the Council. Matter against Mr Barrett was not proven. The matter against Mr Rasool was proven and he was reprimanded and given words of advice.

Boxer Charlotte Powell and Trainer Wayne Smith appeared before the Council. Manager Pat Barrett was also in attendance. Matter against Mr Smith was not proven. The matter against Ms Powell was proven and she was reprimanded and given words of advice.

REGULATION 4.12 & 25

Andrew Jones. The Council agreed that his licence would remain suspended.


Sunday, 16th February 2025.


Central Area Council 15th December 2024


The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 11th January 2025. Promoter Ben Shalom.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Paul Scaife. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. Okay to continue without conditions.

Nabil Ahmed. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Naeem Ali. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

REGULATION 4.12 &5.15

Andrew Jones. Licence suspended.


Sunday, 19th January 2025.


Central Area Council 10th November 2024


Liverpool Olympia –15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester – 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Metrodome, Barnsley – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre – 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham – 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Exhibition Centre, Liverpool – 6th December 2024. Promoter Lee Eaton.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th December 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool – 15th December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood / David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Glenn Banks and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following conditions:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice. b. Monitored on a fight-by-fight basis.

Boxer Naeem Ali. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Kevin Maree and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Nabil Ahmed. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Jake Pollard and Second Mark Hurley and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Boxer Dale Kellam. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Josh Wale and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Joe Hardy. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 15th December 2024.


Central Area Council 13th October 2024


Grand Central Hall, Liverpool. 13th October 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 19th October 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Skate Central, Sheffield. 19th October 2024. Promoter Dennis Hobson.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester. 26th October 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Magna Centre, Rotherham. 9th November 2024. Promoter Stefy Bull.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 9th November 2024. Promoter Kieran Farrell.

Liverpool Olympia. 15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. 22nd November 2024. Promoter Darren Burley.

Metrodome, Barnsley. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre. 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham. 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Zane Clark. Appeared before the Council represented by Trainer Matthew Mowatt and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

Perry Howe. The Council were advised that Mr Howe had announced his retirement.

Joe Hardy. Okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Darnell. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 10th November 2024.


Central Area Council 15th September 2024


Canon Medical Arena. 27th September 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 28th September 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena. 28th September 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Licence suspended until appears for hearing.

Boxer Kiernan McAfee. Appeared before the Council represented by Matchmaker/Second Steve Lillis. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Serge Ambomo. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Stefy Bull. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Martin Shaw. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. OK to continue without conditions.

Luke Fash. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nathan Darby. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Karl Sampson. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Zane Clark. Call to next meeting.


Sunday, 13th October 2024.


Central Area Council 19 th January 2025


Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 21st February 2025. Promoter Jamie Conlan.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Josh Cook. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Stephen Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Harry Matthews. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Pollard. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nabil Ahmed. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Sean Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Dale Arrowsmith. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Dan Booth. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kira Carter. The Council decided that she was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kerry Orton. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Steven Maguire appeared before the Council represented by Manager/Trainer Joe Pennington. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

b. Monitored on a fight by fight basis.

REGULATION 5.15 & 25

Robbie Davies Jnr. Did not appear. Matter proven - Reprimanded and given words of advice. The Council further directed that he should pay costs.

REGULATION 5.13 & 25

Boxer Adam Rasool and Manager/Trainer Pat Barrett appeared before the Council. Matter against Mr Barrett was not proven. The matter against Mr Rasool was proven and he was reprimanded and given words of advice.

Boxer Charlotte Powell and Trainer Wayne Smith appeared before the Council. Manager Pat Barrett was also in attendance. Matter against Mr Smith was not proven. The matter against Ms Powell was proven and she was reprimanded and given words of advice.

REGULATION 4.12 & 25

Andrew Jones. The Council agreed that his licence would remain suspended.


Sunday, 16th February 2025.


Central Area Council 15th December 2024


The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 11th January 2025. Promoter Ben Shalom.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Paul Scaife. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. Okay to continue without conditions.

Nabil Ahmed. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Naeem Ali. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

REGULATION 4.12 &5.15

Andrew Jones. Licence suspended.


Sunday, 19th January 2025.


Central Area Council 10th November 2024


Liverpool Olympia –15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester – 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Metrodome, Barnsley – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre – 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham – 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Exhibition Centre, Liverpool – 6th December 2024. Promoter Lee Eaton.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th December 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool – 15th December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood / David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Glenn Banks and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following conditions:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice. b. Monitored on a fight-by-fight basis.

Boxer Naeem Ali. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Kevin Maree and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Nabil Ahmed. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Jake Pollard and Second Mark Hurley and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Boxer Dale Kellam. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Josh Wale and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Joe Hardy. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 15th December 2024.


Central Area Council 13th October 2024


Grand Central Hall, Liverpool. 13th October 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 19th October 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Skate Central, Sheffield. 19th October 2024. Promoter Dennis Hobson.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester. 26th October 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Magna Centre, Rotherham. 9th November 2024. Promoter Stefy Bull.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 9th November 2024. Promoter Kieran Farrell.

Liverpool Olympia. 15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. 22nd November 2024. Promoter Darren Burley.

Metrodome, Barnsley. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre. 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham. 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Zane Clark. Appeared before the Council represented by Trainer Matthew Mowatt and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

Perry Howe. The Council were advised that Mr Howe had announced his retirement.

Joe Hardy. Okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Darnell. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 10th November 2024.


Central Area Council 15th September 2024


Canon Medical Arena. 27th September 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 28th September 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena. 28th September 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Licence suspended until appears for hearing.

Boxer Kiernan McAfee. Appeared before the Council represented by Matchmaker/Second Steve Lillis. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Serge Ambomo. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Stefy Bull. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Martin Shaw. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. OK to continue without conditions.

Luke Fash. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nathan Darby. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Karl Sampson. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Zane Clark. Call to next meeting.


Sunday, 13th October 2024.


Central Area Council 19 th January 2025


Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 21st February 2025. Promoter Jamie Conlan.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Josh Cook. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Stephen Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Harry Matthews. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Pollard. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nabil Ahmed. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Sean Jackson. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Dale Arrowsmith. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Dan Booth. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kira Carter. The Council decided that she was okay to continue without any conditions.

Kerry Orton. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Steven Maguire appeared before the Council represented by Manager/Trainer Joe Pennington. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

b. Monitored on a fight by fight basis.

REGULATION 5.15 & 25

Robbie Davies Jnr. Did not appear. Matter proven - Reprimanded and given words of advice. The Council further directed that he should pay costs.

REGULATION 5.13 & 25

Boxer Adam Rasool and Manager/Trainer Pat Barrett appeared before the Council. Matter against Mr Barrett was not proven. The matter against Mr Rasool was proven and he was reprimanded and given words of advice.

Boxer Charlotte Powell and Trainer Wayne Smith appeared before the Council. Manager Pat Barrett was also in attendance. Matter against Mr Smith was not proven. The matter against Ms Powell was proven and she was reprimanded and given words of advice.

REGULATION 4.12 & 25

Andrew Jones. The Council agreed that his licence would remain suspended.


Sunday, 16th February 2025.


Central Area Council 15th December 2024


The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 11th January 2025. Promoter Ben Shalom.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th February 2025. Promoter Issrar Asif.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 8th February 2025. Promoter Frank Warren.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford – 15th February 2025. Promoter Darren Burley.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester – 15th February 2025. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Skate Central, Sheffield – 22nd February 2025. Promoter Dennis Hobson.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Paul Scaife. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Ryan Labourn. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. Okay to continue without conditions.

Nabil Ahmed. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Kiernan McAfee. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Naeem Ali. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

REGULATION 4.12 &5.15

Andrew Jones. Licence suspended.


Sunday, 19th January 2025.


Central Area Council 10th November 2024


Liverpool Olympia –15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester – 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Metrodome, Barnsley – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby – 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre – 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton – 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham – 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Exhibition Centre, Liverpool – 6th December 2024. Promoter Lee Eaton.

Canon Medical Arena, Sheffield – 7th December 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool – 15th December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood / David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton – 22nd December 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Glenn Banks and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following conditions:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice. b. Monitored on a fight-by-fight basis.

Boxer Naeem Ali. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Kevin Maree and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Nabil Ahmed. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Jake Pollard and Second Mark Hurley and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Boxer Dale Kellam. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Josh Wale and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Joe Hardy. The Council decided that he was okay to continue without conditions.

Richard Helm. The Council decided that he was okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 15th December 2024.


Central Area Council 13th October 2024


Grand Central Hall, Liverpool. 13th October 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 19th October 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Skate Central, Sheffield. 19th October 2024. Promoter Dennis Hobson.

CO-OP Live Arena, Manchester. 26th October 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

Magna Centre, Rotherham. 9th November 2024. Promoter Stefy Bull.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 9th November 2024. Promoter Kieran Farrell.

Liverpool Olympia. 15th November 2024. Promoter James Whitehill.

Bowlers Exhibition Centre, Manchester. 16th November 2024. Promoter Pat Barrett.

Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. 22nd November 2024. Promoter Darren Burley.

Metrodome, Barnsley. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

The Engine Shed, Wetherby. 23rd November 2024. Promoter Mark Bateson.

The Hideout Café, Bolton. 23rd November 2024. Promoter David Nelson.

Oldham Leisure Centre. 30th November 2024. Promoter Frank Duffin.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 30th November 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Bench Buddy Arena, Rotherham. 30th November 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Zane Clark. Appeared before the Council represented by Trainer Matthew Mowatt and was interviewed extensively regarding his career. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Owen Durnan. Okay to continue without conditions.

Perry Howe. The Council were advised that Mr Howe had announced his retirement.

Joe Hardy. Okay to continue without conditions.

Jake Darnell. Okay to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


Sunday, 10th November 2024.


Central Area Council 15th September 2024


Canon Medical Arena. 27th September 2024. Promoter Issrar Asif.

Toughsheet Stadium, Bolton. 28th September 2024. Promoter Steve Wood.

Canon Medical Arena. 28th September 2024. Promoter Eddie Hearn.

REGULATION 4.9 & 5.10

Boxer Ivelin Gitsov. Licence suspended until appears for hearing.

Boxer Kiernan McAfee. Appeared before the Council represented by Matchmaker/Second Steve Lillis. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Boxer Serge Ambomo. Appeared before the Council represented by Manager Stefy Bull. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.


The following boxers did not appear and were considered in their absence:

Martin Shaw. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Bahador Karami. OK to continue without conditions.

Luke Fash. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Nathan Darby. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Karl Sampson. OK to continue subject to the following condition:

a. Report required from an Official until further notice.

Zane Clark. Call to next meeting.


Sunday, 13th October 2024.

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